Yes! Yes! A Thousand Times Yes!

The phone call was brief, but the young man’s urgent tone pulled me in and made me pay attention. “Mr. Paul, my name is Logan, and I plan to propose to my girlfriend on your sailboat, but I’ve never done this before, and I want it to be perfect.” I couldn’t help but smile at the “I’ve never done this before” comment. I listened as Logan, the bright-eyed young man, outlined his plan to propose to Peyton, his girlfriend.

I asked, half-jokingly, “Logan, is there any chance she’ll say no?” “I don’t think so, Mr. Paul. I’m asking her father’s permission this afternoon, and I’m pretty sure it’s all good.” I paused at the “father’s permission” statement. “Who is this guy?” I thought. If it was me and this articulate, earnest, and mature-beyond-his-years young man asked for permission to marry my daughter, I’d be high-fiving him all the way to the altar!

It was obvious he had visualized the whole experience. He envisioned the tears of joy, the ring, the laughter, everything. He needed this to be the most memorable moment in their young lives. Logan, 24 years old, and ready to put away his life as a boy and walk into the fire of true adulthood.

Couple embracing and looking into each others' eyes on a sailboat in the San Diego harbor.

To make this all come together, He wanted what we do best on Riviera: Luxury, service and privacy.

As a wedding photographer for most of my life, I can attest that a young man preparing to propose marriage is an intense force of nature. A guy only considers marriage when he believes it’s a “step up.” No guy says, “Yeah, she’s average; that’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” In Logan’s voice, I could hear he had found his life partner.

We spoke several times leading up to the proposal sail. We discussed the weather, the wind, the tides, and the best location on the bay for him to drop to his knee. Logan had also wanted both sets of parents waiting at the dock, ready to congratulate the newly engaged couple when we returned.

Finally, the day had arrived. The couple walked hand in hand down the dock. They were the definition of young love. Energetic, hopeful, and full of life!

The menu, although meticulously curated, would go almost untouched. The champagne was chilled, and one of my best photographers, Misha Rockova, was ready, her cameras hidden as she pretended to be a crew member.

We sailed for a while. Logan and Peyton sipped their champagne and enjoyed the evening on the bay. Intoxicated with each other, at that moment, they were the only two people on Planet Earth. Did she suspect? Hard to say. With a wink and a nod, I suggested Logan take Peyton to the sun pad on the bow.

We had a pre-arranged signal. Logan would ask for his jacket from one of the crew. In the coat pocket was the ring box. Misha fetched the coat, and in a few minutes, it happened. Just before sunset, with the city lights behind them, he took her by the hand, stood up, dropped to his knee, and pulled the ring box from his pocket.

I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story.

Couple on boat, with the male getting ready to propose to his girlfriend.
Proposal happening on the bow of a boat in the San Diego Bay
Couple kissing on the bow of a sailboat on the San Diego bay with the downtown skyline in the background.
Couple embracing on the how of a sailboat in the San Diego bay after just getting engaged.
Newly-engaged couple embracing and posing for the camera on the Riviera sailboat.
Daughter hugging her father at the dock after just getting engaged on a sailboat in the San Diego Bay.
Daughter hugging her mother at the dock after just getting engaged on a sailboat in the San Diego Bay.

Obviously, she said “Yes”.

With 5-star service, masterful photography, and romantic privacy, a proposal on SV Riviera is the logical choice for those seeking the best and most memorable venue.

Fair Winds and Following Seas,
Paul & Victoria

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