Thank You!

As we close the door on 2023; I want to thank everyone who has helped make Sail Riviera come to life.

Four years ago, when we started this little adventure, we had a simple mission statement: Provide a customized private sailing experience that was luxurious, exciting, authentic, and fun.

I’m happy to say we’ve managed to do just that—deliver an experience on a sailboat unlike any. I’ve met fabulous people with interesting stories and diverse lives along the way.

It’s been a true pleasure getting to know all our guests, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone for making my job not a job at all!

Various photos of people enjoying sailing experiences on the Riviera.

For those lucky enough to sail on the Riviera, a unique bond between everyone aboard happens in less than 15 minutes. Remember, all our excursions are private, so it’s not like the group doesn’t know each other. As the guests walk to the boat, I see excitement and apprehension on their faces.

Group of cocktails with orange slices ready to be served.

We do our best to have everyone’s favorite welcome beverages waiting for them as they board. Once settled in, I see their bodies start to relax, and the conversation moves well past the pleasantries.

Once in a blue moon, I see a family who may have been entangled in some nit-picking argument while driving to the marina. But as soon as the head sail is unfurled, the boat’s engine is turned off, and Riviera digs into the wind; the family miraculously forgets their little disagreement as we sail away from the city.

Couples smiling on the deck of the Riviera sailboat, sailing in the San Diego Bay

Watching this psychological metamorphosis never gets old. I love it! By the time we return to the dock, whatever petty squabble between the family is long forgotten as laughter and love have brought them back together. 

For those making 2024 resolutions, you must add a sailing tour on San Diego Bay to this year’s bucket list. If you know someone who’s feeling down, bring them aboard. Or better yet, buy them a gift certificate. There’s no better attitude readjustment than a day sail on the Riviera.

Couple dining on the deck of the Riviera sailboat

My promise to you: An afternoon of big laughs, 5-star service, and exhilarating sailing as you reconnect to what matters the most in this life: your friends, your families, and your beautiful, wonderful selves.

Lastly, to my crew: Carolyn, Michael, and Deborah, who can make amazing cocktails while Riviera is at a 30-degree angle, smiling like it’s no big deal, I thank you for truly understanding what it means to be hospitable.

Fair Winds & Following Seas!

Paul & Victoria

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